
Hubspot 101

OwnerWesley Bookland
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The Basics

Welcome to Hubspot Training

Welcome to our HubSpot training module! HubSpot is a powerful tool that helps streamline many of our core business processes, from managing customer relationships to automating documentation and sales efforts. By mastering HubSpot, you will enhance your productivity, improve communication, and contribute to the overall success of our company.

Objectives of the Training

The goal of this training is to provide you with a solid understanding of HubSpot’s CRM, including how to:

By the end of this training, you will be equipped to use HubSpot confidently to improve day-to-day operations.

Overview of HubSpot Features

Why Hubspot?

We’ve chosen HubSpot for its ease of use, powerful integrations, and ability to scale with our business needs. Compared to other CRMs, HubSpot gives us greater flexibility and visibility across all our teams, making it an essential tool for reaching our goals.

Understanding HubSpot’s Three Key Layers: Contacts, Deals, and Tickets

In HubSpot, Contacts, Deals, and Tickets form the core of how we manage our relationships, sales, and support. While each layer has a specific role, they are designed to work seamlessly together to create a unified experience for both our team and our customers. While Contacts, Deals, and Tickets are distinct layers within HubSpot, they are interconnected to provide a complete view of each customer’s journey. A single contact might be associated with multiple Deals over time and could have multiple Tickets for customer service. HubSpot’s unified approach ensures that sales, support, and marketing teams can all access the same customer information, allowing for better coordination and a more seamless customer experience.

Contacts: The Foundation of Customer Relationships

What Are Contacts?

Contacts are at the heart of HubSpot’s CRM. A contact represents an individual customer, lead, or any person your business interacts with. HubSpot allows you to manage and segment contacts based on Province, demographics, or any custom criteria. Whether it's a fresh lead, old data, primary Applicant or co-applicant, every single customer’s journey in Hubspot will begin by adding them as a contact. Contacts serve as the entry point and foundation for all interactions, and all other activities—whether related to sales or support—are tied back to the contact.

Note: Every single deal will begin as a contact. Only then, once a contact is created you can create the deal from the contact itself.

How to Create a Contact


To efficiently create a contact in HubSpot CRM with all necessary information for future deal creation.

Keys Steps

  1. Navigate to the sidebar and click on CRM.
  1. Select the Contacts section.
  1. Click on "Create a Contact."
  1. Input the email address (mandatory).
  1. If the email is already in the database, consult with a manager to verify lead status.
  1. Fill in the required fields: first name, last name, and phone number.
  1. Save the contact.
  1. Optional: Fill in additional contact information if available.
  1. Add lead source for better deal tracking.
  1. Fill out any other relevant information that may assist in deal creation.
  1. Save the contact.

Cautionary Notes:

Tips for Efficiency:

Video How to

Editing Contact Information


To provide a step-by-step guide on how to edit contact information in the system.

Key Steps

  1. Locate the contact you need to edit in the system.
  1. Click on the contact to access their information.
  1. Review and locate all the necessary information on the left-hand side of the screen.
  1. Make the required changes or additions to the contact information.
  1. Once all edits are completed, click on the save button to save the changes.

Cautionary Notes

Tips for Efficiency

Video How to

How to Create Custom Views In Contacts


The objective of this SOP is to guide you through the process of creating custom views for your contacts in HubSpot, allowing you to see specific data points more effectively and efficiently.

Key Steps

  1. Click on the "All Contacts" tab in HubSpot.
  1. Click on "Add a View" and select "Create a New View."
  1. Name the view and set the privacy settings (private, team, or public).
  1. Edit the view by adding filters such as contact owner, create date, last activity date, lead status, or any other available value in HubSpot.
  1. Customize the columns displayed by clicking on "Edit Columns" and selecting the parameters you want to see.
  1. Save the view after editing to ensure the changes are preserved.
  1. To create additional views, clone an existing view and modify the filters or properties to create a new perspective on your contacts.

Cautionary Notes

Tips for Efficiency

Video How To

How to Create a Deal From a Contact


To transfer information from a contact in HubSpot into a deal, ensuring all relevant details are copied over accurately.

Key Steps

  1. Check Division: Ensure that the contact is assigned to the correct division to enable automation for transferring to the appropriate sales pipeline.
  1. Change Lead Status: Update the lead status of the contact to "Active in Sales Pipeline."
  1. Save Changes: Click on the save button to initiate the transfer of information from the contact to the deal.
  1. Review Deal Placement: Confirm that the deal lands in the correct section of the sales pipeline based on the division (e.g., I accept sales section for granville or deal staging new lead for any other division.

Cautionary Notes

  • Automation requires both the division and lead status to be set for successful transfer.
  • Whatever you enter in contact information will result in what is copied into your deal card (e.g., first name, last name, email, phone number).

Tips for Efficiency

  • Ensure all necessary contact information is filled out to expedite the deal creation process.
  • Double-check the placement of the deal in the sales pipeline to prevent misplacement.

Video How To

Deals: Tracking Sales Opportunities

Deals represent potential revenue opportunities that are tied to your Contacts. Once a contact has engaged with you and has given you permission to begin working on their file your contact will then become a deal. As you move through your sales pipeline, Deals help you track where a prospect is in their buying journey. They are closely tied to your Contacts, as a Deal is typically associated with one or more Contacts. This makes it easy to manage and visualize the sales process, from I Accept all the way until your deal is fully booked. HubSpot’s pipeline feature allows you to track Deals at every stage and provides visibility into the overall health of your sales process and this is done through Pipelines & Stages.

What are Pipeline’s & Stages?

A pipeline in HubSpot refers to the structured, step-by-step process that tracks sales opportunities (Deals) as they move through various stages, from initial contact to closing. It provides a visual representation of where each Deal is in the sales process, helping sales, accounting, funding, logistics & inventory to manage and forecast their deals. Each stage in the pipeline represents a key milestone in the sales journey, allowing teams to monitor progress, prioritize opportunities, and take specific actions to move Deals toward a successful close.

Pipeline Breakdown

  • Sales Pipeline: The sales pipeline is where the lifecycle begins for your deal, in this pipeline you will have made contact with the client, gotten the client approved, landed on a unit, signed the client, and successfully collected all of the documents required to deliver the vehicle.
  • Delivery Pipeline: The delivery pipeline is where your deal will be approved by the logistics staff, insurance & registration collected, vehicle is reconditioned, and then successfully delivered by logistics staff.
  • Funding Pipeline: Once the vehicle has been delivered, the deal will move to the funding pipeline and all necessary documents will be sent in to the lender to finalize and book the deal.
  • Booked Deal Pipeline: Once your deal is booked, it will be transferred to this pipeline in the corresponding month that is was booked.

Sales Pipeline Breakdown

Deal Staging | New Lead

  • Description: This is the initial stage where the sales rep has received permission to move forward with a clients file. You have received an “I Accept” (permission to pull credit). This is where your deal will land when you create it through automation from contacts and will remain here until you have filled in the necessary information, pulled credit and attached all necessary files in the deal before moving to GO-NO-GO.
  • Key Actions:
    • First Contact is completed
    • Fill out all required information
    • Qualify the lead and determine what service we will be offering
    • Fetch Credit App and ensure it is attached in deal
  • Required Information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • If they are GST Exempt or not
    • If they have a Co-App or not
    • Division
    • Deal Type
    • Deal Owner Phone Number
  • Stage Goal: Fill in all of the required information and have credit file attached in deal either through automation from Credit App or manually in Dealertrack.

Go - No Go | Stip Request

  • Description: This is the where finance reviews the deal to determine the best course of action. From here your deal can only move in so many different directions. It will either go for submission, need a co-app, need to Clean Start Pitch or flip to a powersport.
  • Key Actions:
    • Understand your finance manager is the only one touching the deals in this stage
    • Keep an eye out for your finance managers decision
  • Required Information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • If they are GST Exempt or not
    • If they have a Co-App or not
    • Division
    • Deal Type
    • Deal Owner Phone Number
  • Stage Goal: Receive a clear plan of action from your finance manager on which direction this deal will be moving in or not moving in.

Contact Finance Team

  • Description: This is the where finance will drop your deal if they need something either before or after submission, whether your finance team is requesting a co-app pitch, powersport pitch, sin or if the lender is asking for insolvency documents, etc. Your manager will request the stips needed and the deal will sit here until you collect the stips.
  • Key Actions:
    • Review the stips requested property to determine what is necessary to collect from your client.
    • Once the stips are collected drop them in the attachments section of your deal and edit the stips collected property. Tag your finance
  • Required Information:
    • Stips Requested
  • Stage Goal: Receive a clear plan of action and stips needed from your finance manager on which direction this deal will be moving in or not moving in.

Stips Received | Review

  • Description: This is where sales will drop the deal once you have collected the stips requested from your finance team in the “Contact Finance Team” stage of the pipeline
  • Key Actions:
    • Once the stips are collected drop them in the attachments section of your deal and edit the stips collected property. Tag your finance
  • Required Information:
    • Stips Received
  • Stage Goal: Collect stips finance manager has requested and place in deal as an attachment for them to review.

Submit | Pending Decision

  • Description: This is where your finance team will drop your deal if it is time to submit your deal off to lenders. Clear instructions on which lenders to submit to will be provided by your finance team.
  • Key Actions:
    • Review 1st submission and 2nd Submissions provided by your finance team
    • Submit the deal to the designated lenders either in the Dealertrack portal or Credit App portal
  • Required Information:
    • 1st Submission Information
    • 2nd Submission Information
  • Stage Goal: Submit your deal to the correct lenders and await lender decisions

Approved | Pending Income

  • Description: This is where sales will drop the deal once you have received a workable approval from a lender after submitting. Once you have determined the lender you are working with, submit the bank, tier, rate and payment information of the approval provided by the lender.
  • Key Actions:
    • Determine the best approval to work with for maximum gross
  • Required Information:
    • Bank
    • Tier | Rate | Payment
    • Stips Received
    • Stips Requested (by lender)
  • Stage Goal: Determine the best approval, place the approval details within side the deal card and begin collecting stips requested by the lender to secure a full approval.

Income Done - Prime | Strategy

  • Description: This is where sales or finance will drop the deal once you have determined that income is either completed, waived, or if the client is prime. This will be determined by a note in the Dealertrack/Credit App portal. Once the deal is in the stage, it is the finance manager’s job to provide strategy on how we will be moving forward with the deal. If you are using the call 1/call 2 approach. Your manager will upload what to either flex your client to in terms of vehicle and payment. The sales agent will then complete a call 1 and call 2 in accordance with the strategy provided from finance.
  • Key Actions:
    • Update your final Bank, tier, rate, and payment from the lender.
    • Receive Flex call strategy from finance
    • Sales completes call 1
    • Sales completes call 2
    • Sales updates “Quick Notes” property with the current status of the file. Ex Call 1 qued for 1pm. or Need to schedule call 2 etc.x
  • Required Information:
    • Bank
    • Tier | Rate | Payment
    • Stips Received
    • Stips Requested (by lender)
  • Stage Goal: Determine the best approval, place the approval details within side the deal card and begin collecting stips requested by the lender to secure a full approval.

Client Flexible | Vehicle Search

  • Description: Once you have completed your call 1 and 2 and are now ready for a unit to pitch to your client, sales will drop the deal in this stage of the pipeline. Its important to add a note inside of the deal card of what your client has been flexed to. Ex. client is willing to take an SUV for $700 a month (and any other details you may need to let your finance team know on how to better select units for you. The deal will sit in this stage of the pipeline until your finance team has added the units with the payment information such as cash price, payments, warranty, etc.
  • Key Actions:
    • Drop a note and tag your finance manager on what the client is flexed to
    • Finance team will drop the units directly inside the deal (via links, payment numbers etc.)
  • Required Information:
    • Client desired vehicle details
    • What the client is flexed to
    • Units from finance before moving to next stage
  • Stage Goal: Finance to add units to the deal card as a note for sales to begin building presentations on.

Vehicle Located | Prep Pitch

  • Description: Once your finance manager has found vehicle options to pitch to your client, they will drop the deal in this stage along with the vehicle options in the notes section of the deal card. At this point you will prepare your presentations on the vehicles and then que your client up to present the options to them.
  • Key Actions:
    • Finance team will drop the units directly inside the deal notes section (via links, payment numbers etc.)
  • Required Information:
    • Client desired vehicle details
    • What the client is flexed to
    • Units from finance before moving to next stage
  • Stage Goal: Prepare presentations, pitch & close client.

Doc Prep | Automation

  • Description: Once you have closed the deal and your client is ready to move forward with the options presented you will drag your deal into this stage. Fill out all of the required information in order for you docs team to prepare your docs. Its crucial that this is done as accurately as possible to eliminate mistakes on docs.
  • Key Actions:
    • Fill out all required information presented in hubspot
    • Docs team will begin doing docs and communicate with your divisions designated pre sign channel
  • Required Information:
    • Deal Type
    • Division
    • Deal Owner Phone #
    • Bank
    • Date Sold
    • Notes & Promises
    • Delivery Province
    • Spring Into Summer Amount
    • Cash Down
    • Drivers License
    • References (if you have them)
    • In Stock | Outsource
    • Vehicle Source
    • Vehicle Source Specific Location
    • Vehicle Link
    • Sold Unit Colour
    • Sold Unit Year
    • Sold Unit Make
    • Sold Unit Model
    • Sold Unit Trim
    • Sold Unit Km’s
    • Sold Unit Vin
    • Stock #
  • Stage Goal: Complete required information, and have doc team begin preparing your docs that you will send to client.

Doc Prep | Audit Complete (NOT YET ACTIVE)

  • Description: Once your doc team has reviewed the information, they will place the deal inside of this stage to send the rest of the automation triggers to be set for our pandadoc automation. All of the vehicle declarations, trade declarations and remaining info will be provided at this stage before sending it through the automation.
  • Key Actions:
    • Docs team completes all declarations and missing info
  • Required Information:
    • Coming soon
  • Stage Goal: Complete required information for doc automation.

Sign Off | Stips Neeeded

  • Description: Once your doc team has completed the documents to sign, they will drop all of the information inside of the slack presign channel for you to collect and send to the client. Your job is to get the documents signed by the client. Once the docs are signed, the deal will stay in this stage until you collect all of the fresh sign stips.
  • Key Actions:
    • Check Slack Presign channel for docs to send to client
    • Get client to sign documents
    • Collect all stips from client (References, Void Cheque, Persona, Drivers License, Trade Stips (if applicable) Proof of address (if aplicable)).
  • Required Information:
    • Coming soon
  • Stage Goal: Sign the client, collect the deal stips.

Sign Off | Stips Received

  • Description: Once you have collected all of the stips, place the deal card in this stage to be reviewed by your admin/managers. They need to ensure you have collected the correct documents and everything is labelled in the deal correctly. At this point you need all of the information to be able to get your fresh sign approved.
  • Key Actions:
    • Sales will upload all stips to deal card as attachments
    • Finance/Admin team will review uploaded stips
    • Once stips are good to be reviewed by inventory team drop in turnover to logistics
  • Required Information:
    • References
    • Void Cheque
    • Persona
    • Drivers License
    • Trade Stips (if applicable)
    • Proof of address (if aplicable))
  • Stage Goal: Add all required stips as attachments to deal. Finance/Admin to review stips before sending to delivery pipeline

Turnover to Logistics

  • Description: Once all of the stips have been reviewed and we have confirmed we have all stips and or an exception has been granted for a missing stip. A manager will then drop the deal in the turnover to logistics stage. Once the information is filled out, hit save and this deal will then remove itself from this pipeline and enter the Delivery Pipeline.
  • Key Actions:
    • Fill out required information
  • Required Information:
    • Date Sold
    • In Stock | Outsourced
    • Sold Vehicle Province
    • Sold Unit Cost
    • Deal Gross
    • GPS
    • Co-App GST Exempt (if applicable)
    • Cx Phone Number Verified
  • Stage Goal: Add all required stips as attachments to deal. Finance/Admin to review stips before sending to delivery pipeline

How to Book Dispatch First Contact Meeting


To book dispatch first contact meetings within deal cards accurately and efficiently.

Key Steps

  1. Ensure you are in the "Deals" section and within the "Delivery Pipeline."
  1. Wait for the deal to reach the inventory team staging in the delivery pipeline to book the first contact meeting.
  1. Copy the deal name from the deal card.
  1. Click on the "Schedule a Meeting" button.
  1. Paste the deal name in the designated field.
  1. Confirm that you are referring to the dispatch calendar for booking.
  1. Search for the user "dispatch team" to select the correct calendar.
  1. Choose the meeting type as "Dispatch First Contact."
  1. Adjust the calendar view by removing weekends and changing the time zone to the client's time zone.
  1. Select the desired time for the meeting either by directly clicking on the calendar or adjusting manually from the drop-down menus.
  1. Click "Save" to confirm the booking.
  1. The meeting will be registered in the deal card and a notification will be sent to the delivery chat.

Cautionary Notes

  • Only book first contact meetings after the Slack delivery chat is created to ensure proper updating.
  • Double-check the calendar and time zone to avoid booking errors.
  • Ensure accurate timing to match the client's time zone.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use the copy-paste function for the deal name to save time & error.
  • Adjust the time zone and select the time carefully to avoid confusion.

Video How To

How to Void a Deal

Objective: To successfully complete a void deal submission using HubSpot and Slack channels.

Key Steps:

  1. Open both HubSpot with access to the deal card and the Slack channel "void processing."
  1. In HubSpot, locate the deal card you want to void and open it to gather necessary information.
  1. In the Slack channel, click on "deal void submission" and then hit "start workflow."
  1. Fill out the required information:
    • Input the deal owner's name (either yours or someone else's, whoever the true deal owner is).
    • Copy and paste the deal name.
    • Select the reason for void from the options provided or type out an explanation if choosing "other."
    • Provide detailed reasoning for voiding the deal.
    • Copy and paste the sold unit VIN.
    • Skip the unit record ID (still in beta).
    • Find and copy the deal record ID from the deal details.
  1. Double-check the accuracy of the deal record ID as it is crucial for backend automations.
  1. Click "submit" and wait for the confirmation message.
  1. The Logistics team will acknowledge the submission in the Slack channel.
  1. The inventory team will also acknowledge the void process within the thread.
  1. Helen will complete the necessary steps and add her notes to finalize the void.
  1. Once all acknowledgements are completed the deal moves to "void deal complete," a copy of the deal will be created and returned to the original sales pipeline.
  1. Find your deal in its your sales pipeline and continue to work it.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure the accuracy of all information provided, especially the deal record ID.
  • Do not interfere with the process once the submission is made; let the designated teams handle the acknowledgments and completion.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Copy and paste information to avoid errors.
  • Provide detailed explanations for voiding to facilitate smooth processing.
  • Wait for notifications on the deal's movement back to your pipeline rather than actively following up.

Video How To

Tickets: Managing Customer Support and Service

Tickets are the support side of HubSpot. Whenever a customer has an issue or request, you can create a Ticket to track its progress and resolution. Tickets are also connected to Contacts, so your team has full visibility into a customer's history, including previous sales (Deals) and interactions. This makes it easier to deliver personalized and efficient support, ensuring that customer issues are resolved promptly and effectively.

How to Create a Ticket

  • Description: At any point in time you may need to create a ticket for an after sales complaint.
  • Key Actions:
  • Required Information:
    • Date Sold
    • In Stock | Outsourced
    • Sold Vehicle Province
    • Sold Unit Cost
    • Deal Gross
    • GPS
    • Co-App GST Exempt (if applicable)
    • Cx Phone Number Verified
  • Stage Goal: Add all required stips as attachments to deal. Finance/Admin to review stips before sending to delivery pipeline